Your college money!

No, this is not your shopping list of items that are “must haves” in a dorm but, an actual way you can compare & shop school costs! 316 schools have participated in this task so, you should be able to find information on the school you’re thinking about.

“Too often, students are left without a clear explanation of what the costs mean or how they compare to other colleges they are considering, and as a result, many students leave college with debt that they didn’t fully understand at the time they entered school,” Education Secretary Arne Duncan.

Read more here:

This is a PDF you can print out to help you compare.


School Highlight:

University of South Carolina

International Business Program is ranked #1 in the country!


“When applying to USC  you don’t have to do anything extra to qualify for scholarships as you are automatically screened for any scholar awards.” Jackie Page, counselor.